
Favorite Disney World Rides

Hey Guys, So first off sorry I haven't posted in a little bit, I was just trying to figure out some posts I want to do, hope you guys understand! So this week I want to do something a little different, I am going to talk about my top three favorite rides from each of the four Disney World parks. My family just planned a trip this past weekend for November, so to keep the theme of Disney going this week I wanted to do this. Disney is one of my favorite places in the world, so lets start this little post!! Magic Kingdom: Lets start out with the original Walt Disney World park Magic Kingdom, now there are about 50 rides and still growing at Magic Kingdom, so obviously I have a lot of favorites but these are my top three: 1) Space Mountain  is my number one favorite ride at Magic Kingdom because it is a probably the most thrilling ride in the park. I love how fast it goes and how the lights add a lot of fun to the ride. 2) Haunted Mansion is my second favorite ride at Magic

Beauty Box 5 Review/ First Impressions: May 2017

Hey Guys, So today for my blog post I thought I would do a little review and or first impressions of Beauty Box 5. Beauty Box 5 is a subscription service where you can get mini and full size beauty products for $12 a month. Or if you wait until around Christmas time to subscribe they always have some sort of deal where it works out to be only around $10 a month. No this is not sponsored, just saying, I have been subscribed to Beauty Box 5 since 2014. So I thought I would show you what was in the box this month and what I thought and all that happy stuff. In this months box, there was five full size items and a bonus mini item. The box total value came to $51.44, plus the bonus item which was the price was not included. Here is the overview of the box as a whole before I go into the individual items:                                   First Item : Cougar Beauty : 24 Hour Lipstick  Retail Price : $12.99 Product Description : " You can never have too many lipsticks,

13 IBD Memes in honor of World IBD Day!

Hello Everyone, Today is May 19th, which just happens to be World IBD Day. IBD stands for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, which there are two main types of this disease; Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis (which I have). I plan to do an in depth post about this is in the future. So for the moment I will give the short little summary of the disease. Essentially it can be described as chronic inflammation of all or part of your digestive tract, now I won't go too far in depth about symptoms and such right now. This post is more about the relatable content (for those with IBD or others may also find it relatable) to come in the rest of the post! Picture credits for all "memes" go to @crohns_is_cray on Instagram. So sit back and enjoy😊 1) Inflammatory VS Irritable:   This can honestly be one of the most annoying things because yes there is a difference. The symptoms vary widely and are not the same disease.  2) It was all fun and games till ....  Most p

To the Person Afraid of Making Friends In College

Hey Everyone, So with my freshman year of college now being complete, I want to do a few posts about it, a few posts as reflections and also a few other posts that I have no clue what they are yet because I will make stuff up like right before I do it most of the time honestly. However, I know what I want to talk about today and yes this may be slightly emotional but it will be worth it in the end. So a little back story in senior year of high school, I took creative writing and one of our assignments was to do something called blackout poetry about our fears. For those of you who may not know, blackout poetry is when you take old book pages and color them in until you are left with only the words of the poem showing. So my set of three blackout poems was about being afraid I was not going to make friends in college. Throughout all my school experiences, kindergarten through senior year, I had only had a small group of friends at school, which changed every few years except for my

Hey Everyone, Its Ally!

Hey everyone its Ally, now some of you may know me if you came from one of my social media pages but for those of you who do not know me this post will allow you to get to learn more about me and what I plan to do on this blog. First of all I want to start out by saying this is purely for my own fun and not to be taken too seriously (especially my writing abilities), so do not hate on me please because if you want to hate on me I will hate right back. Also I am not going to lie this was kind of a spur of the moment decision to start this blog, after thinking about it for about two days, so we will see how well this turns out.  So to start off, I am Ally, which I have only stated that like twice already, but you have to make a presence am I right. I am eighteen years old, and an elementary education major at Westfield State University, which is in Massachusetts for those who are unfamiliar with the school. I was an all-star cheerleader for basically my entire childhood, until I got t