Favorite Disney World Rides

Hey Guys,

So first off sorry I haven't posted in a little bit, I was just trying to figure out some posts I want to do, hope you guys understand! So this week I want to do something a little different, I am going to talk about my top three favorite rides from each of the four Disney World parks. My family just planned a trip this past weekend for November, so to keep the theme of Disney going this week I wanted to do this. Disney is one of my favorite places in the world, so lets start this little post!!

Magic Kingdom:

Lets start out with the original Walt Disney World park Magic Kingdom, now there are about 50 rides and still growing at Magic Kingdom, so obviously I have a lot of favorites but these are my top three:

1) Space Mountain is my number one favorite ride at Magic Kingdom because it is a probably the most thrilling ride in the park. I love how fast it goes and how the lights add a lot of fun to the ride.
2) Haunted Mansion is my second favorite ride at Magic Kingdom. I love the aesthetic of the ride with everything from whole production of the video before the ride and the special effects of the ride itself. I also love how the ride is interactive in some spots and uses the riders pictures as ghosts.
3) Splash Mountain is my third favorite ride at Magic Kingdom. I love the animation and the music throughout the ride. And obviously it is a good way to cool off when you're in the hot Florida sun. Although I have gotten stuck on this ride almost every time I have gone to Disney World.

Animal Kingdom:

1) Expedition Everest is my favorite ride at Animal Kingdom it is in my opinion one of the best roller coasters at Disney. I love how it goes forward and backward and then the Yeti pops out adding even more thrill.
2) DINOSAUR is a close second to Expedition Everest, I love the whole "dinosaur hunt" aspect of the ride. Also the end of the ride where the T-Rex pops out makes the whole ride.
3) Kilimanjaro Safari is my third favorite at Animal Kingdom and it is a calming ride where you look at animals and just have a good time. I love looking at all the animals on this classic ride.

Hollywood Studios:

1) Star Tours is my favorite ride at Hollywood Studios and has been for a while. It used to be the only ride I would go on without being scared in the whole park. Motion rides are some of my absolute favorites. The Star Wars ride does this with drops and 3D aspects, making it one of my favorites.
2) Rock 'n' Rollercoaster is my second favorite because it is a very thrilling ride, I love the launch at the beginning. I love how they play music throughout the ride and goes upside-down. Also the pre-show with the band is really cool too.
3) Hollywood Tower of Terror is my third favorite. Up until a few years ago this ride terrified me but since I love drop rides and the whole "twilight zone" aspect is thrilling and adds a lot of suspense.


1) Soarin is my favorite Epcot ride it is so peaceful and I love the scenery while flying on the ride. I love all the extra effects too, especially smell.
2) Test Track is my second favorite ride at Epcot. I love that you get to make your own race car. I also really like the ride itself it is a nice thrill.
3) Mission Space is my last favorite ride of this post. I really like the motion aspect as well as the thrill of it. Both the orange and green sides are thrilling to me and I love the ride a lot.

So thank you guys for reading this kinda random post. I was just really excited that we booked our Disney trip. I hope you guys enjoyed. I will see you all in my next blog post!

Much love,


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