Hey Everyone, Its Ally!

Hey everyone its Ally, now some of you may know me if you came from one of my social media pages but for those of you who do not know me this post will allow you to get to learn more about me and what I plan to do on this blog. First of all I want to start out by saying this is purely for my own fun and not to be taken too seriously (especially my writing abilities), so do not hate on me please because if you want to hate on me I will hate right back. Also I am not going to lie this was kind of a spur of the moment decision to start this blog, after thinking about it for about two days, so we will see how well this turns out. 

So to start off, I am Ally, which I have only stated that like twice already, but you have to make a presence am I right. I am eighteen years old, and an elementary education major at Westfield State University, which is in Massachusetts for those who are unfamiliar with the school. I was an all-star cheerleader for basically my entire childhood, until I got to college, but still involved in the sport. I am also a part of my schools dance company. 

I have a wide range of topics that I really wanna write about on this blog, scatter brain and indecisiveness at its best. Whether the topic be to just write about it for myself as a tool to stay sane in life or to write about a topic to provide others with help they may need on certain topics. I plan to write about anything from beauty tips, DIY's, personal stories, reviews on things I like, my journey with IBD, things related to the cheerleading industry, or just in general about moving forward into a future career as an educator. 

With all this being said, I am also open to suggestions about what topics to write about on this blog because its about you guys too not just me. So if you guys wanna follow my journey on this blog, I would really appreciate it. I hope you guys are ready for this wild ride because I know I am, so buckle up. Love you guys, especially if you read this far on this post because it is just a introduction post. 

Much love,


  1. Hey girl - it's Evelyn (I don't have a blogspot account). As a fellow ed major, I think it would be really neat to hear about why you want to be a teacher. Also maybe some of your goals, some of your fears, your experience in any ed classes you've taken so far (if you've taken any yet), and what you're looking forward to as an educator :) I myself absolutely love to write so I think it's really awesome that you're doing a blog! Also - just as a sidenote, if you ever need help with any of your ed classes in the future, don't hesitate to contact me -- even if it's after I graduate in the fall!

    1. Hey Evelyn, I will definitely think about writing those things, those were really good ideas! If I need anything I will definitely let you know, you are so sweet!!


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