13 IBD Memes in honor of World IBD Day!

Hello Everyone,
Today is May 19th, which just happens to be World IBD Day. IBD stands for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, which there are two main types of this disease; Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis (which I have). I plan to do an in depth post about this is in the future. So for the moment I will give the short little summary of the disease. Essentially it can be described as chronic inflammation of all or part of your digestive tract, now I won't go too far in depth about symptoms and such right now. This post is more about the relatable content (for those with IBD or others may also find it relatable) to come in the rest of the post! Picture credits for all "memes" go to @crohns_is_cray on Instagram. So sit back and enjoy😊

1) Inflammatory VS Irritable: 

This can honestly be one of the most annoying things because yes there is a difference. The symptoms vary widely and are not the same disease. 

2) It was all fun and games till .... 
Most people when first diagnosed (myself included), believe it is not that bad, that is until you have your first flare up and then you know it is real shit, pun fully intended on that one.

3) #Hangry

Everyone who has had a colonoscopy knows that being on an all liquid diet for a day is not fun but that next meal feels like you haven't ate in years and it is amazing.

4) But on the other hand .... 

Was it the ice cream, the french fries, the pancakes, the taco?.... the world may never know!

5) Caught with your pants down

Getting that feeling in your stomach and knowing its time to run and get to the bathroom, we can call it pulling a Patrick Star.

6) Down the hall and to the left

Needing to know where the bathroom is at all times has its benefits of being able to give directions to it, I guess.

7) No bathroom, no go

If there is not a bathroom within running distance, chances are it will not end well for all involved.

8) Yes I will come to the bathroom with you again

Anyone with IBD knows that you will most likely need to go to the bathroom when someone asks even if you went ten minutes before.

9) Where the phone at tho?

The worst feeling when you thought you had to pee so you did not bring your phone for entertainment in the bathroom, make shift entertainment it is.

10)  10/10 would recommend

On that rare occasion number two goes so well it makes you feel number one, again pun intended. 

11) Unhung hero
Sometimes you just run out of that TP and someone comes in the clutch and its the best feeling.

12) Calling all eye rolls

If you do not have the disease or are not my mom or a medical professional please do not lecture me about what I need to do in my life, please and thank you!!!!
13) Last but not least #Buds

It is a good feeling knowing you are not alone and can relate on a personal level to someone.

So there we have it guys thank you for reading this post. Yes I know I just did a blog post basically about poop, but that is just how life is with IBD. Hopefully you related or found some sense of humor in this or even learned something! Happy World IBD Day! Cannot wait to keep posting and sharing with you guys!!

Much love,


  1. I had my first colonoscopy at age 10 because I was having a lot of issues with stomach pain/indigestion -- I had multiple trips to the ER and even had my own pediatric GI doctor. They weren't able to detect anything concrete, so I was diagnosed with IBS (so no, I don't have Crohns or Colitis). Luckily, changing my diet has helped significantly these past 11 years (I relate SO much to number 4 on this list lol). I definitely give all the props to anyone who suffers from IBD because if IBS is tough, I can't imagine what IBD must be like for some people.

    1. Colonoscopy's are no fun and yes number 4 is definitely one of my favorites from the thirteen I chose because it is hard to know sometimes! Glad changing your diet has helped, diet is definitely a big part of it for some people! IBS is definitely tough so I give everyone with IBS or IBD props too :)


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